you'll run faster for longer periods of time at full health). In this particular game your current level of health has an effect on how long you can sprint for (i.e. Healing items were kept to a minimum however the times I did heal were necessary. Boss strategies for Eddie and Abstract Daddy are unique to me I have no knowledge of anyone before me playing through them in that way. There are no real individual parts I dislike it's just that things, as a whole, could have been run through better.

As with all of the Silent Hill games the loading times between rooms is not factored into the final time (this is why the movie playtime and the actual game time differ this is true on all versions of the game for all games in the series). In multi-segmented test runs I've gotten a time of 49 minutes and 44 seconds so I know that under 50 minutes is definitely possible (though it requires a lot of luck something I don't have the patience for at this point in time). Though I'm not entirely satisfied with this run I do not have any intentions of playing through this game again anytime soon so I figured it would be best for me to submit the work I have done thus far. This run is a start to finish play-through of Silent Hill 2 on Normal Action/Normal Riddle with a finishing time of 50 minutes and 25 seconds done in a single segment no special weapons or endings are allowed.

First off special thanks go to Simon Berggren who worked together with me to invent new ways to shave off time.